June – August 2023

HAPPY 6TH ANNIVERSARY!! We surprised our church family by appearing at the anniversary celebration when were not expected back in the country for a couple of weeks yet. We had a great time celebrating all that God has done over the last six years of Iglesia Bautista Redencion. It was wonderful to be back in our country, our home, and with our church after a three month furlough. Since then we have been getting back into the swing of things in our home, schooling, family and friends, church, discipleships, and seminary.

Iglesia Bautista Redención´s 6th Anniversary

We celebrated the fathers in our church on FATHER’S DAY, which is on the same day as in the United States. We thank God for the fathers in our church. We pray that they will be godly men, husbands and fathers for their families, pointing them to Christ.

Praying for the fathers in our church

July brought winter break and we were able to travel with our church’s youth group to a YOUTH CONFERENCE on the west side of the country, and also carry out a winter youth retreat at  camp here in Buenos Aires for the churches in our area, many of whom could not participate in the other conference. These times in the Word together strengthened our our youth, but we ask that you pray for unity and purity for our young people: that they will be true, godly friends to each other, and a light to those around them.

Our youth at the conference in San Rafael, Mendoza
Our youth at the Winter Youth Retreat we helped host at camp

August was spent planning CHILDREN’S DAY. The day of the event dawned cloudy and threatening rain, and it even sprinkled some during the activities time, but we had over seventy children show up, even though most walked to get to the church!  They, along with their parents, listened to a clear presentation of the gospel. Now we are doing follow-up in their homes. Pray that many families will come to know the Lord as Savior as a result!

Children´s Day!

We also praise God that over the last couple of months five men and women have come to know the Lord as Savior. Most were invited by friends or family members to come to church, and recieved Jesus as a result. Don’t ever stop sharing the Good News of SALVATION and inviting your friends and family to church. You never know when they will finally give their lives to Christ. It might be the next time you ask! Please pray for the salvation of Claudio (neighborhood butcher), and Ramon & Mercedes (our neighbors).    

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1 Response to June – August 2023

  1. trudy says:

    Thank you for the prayer letter, I was thinking of you today and praying.  God is so good to us.   I saw prayer for your neighbors and butcher so they are on my list. Love you all.   Trudy Ashley757.567.5363 (C)

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